
Sunday, February 26, 2012

Boatman "Counts As" Black Coach WIP & February's Featured Hobbyist

I've been hard at work getting miniatures modeled and assembled for my Warhammer vampire counts army.  Five years ago I fell in love with the VC fiction and decided to combine it with my fascination for ancient Greek mythology.  The product was an undead legion  hailing from the coastal lands of Tilea and led by the lord of the Underworld and the god of the dead, Hades.  The army as a whole centers around a host of skeletal soldiers, which are supported by fast moving elite units and Hades himself.

This week, I started work on my latest modeling project, The Boatman of River Styx, which will count as a Black Coach.  The Boatman is a very exciting prospect for me as the model will be one-hundred percent original fabrication.  Although I've done original sculpts before, this one will be on a truly massive scale.  I'm creating a boat from plasticard and the "driver" Charon, a dead passenger, and the spirit host beneath will be modeled from green stuff.

Let's take a look at what I've gotten done so far.

Hull aft-view

To get the base shape for the boat, I cut three pieces of plasticard into "U" shapes of three different sizes.  These structures are the determining factor for the bend of the boat's flanks and its water sitting girth.  The largest (we'll call them ribs) rib sits off center and closer towards the rear.  It's shape is badge-like, which will give the boat flat sides and a rounded hull.

Hull front-view

After I had the top-most planks in place, I began adding planks evenly from side to side towards the bottom of the boat's hull.

Hull aft-view

Hull front-view

Deck front-view

Starboard side
Many of the planks were roughly cut so that gaps appear between boards.  Though some gaps will be filled with green stuff later, I will leave a great many to further the boat's ancient look. (It's magical, mind, and doesn't need to be water-tight to float!)

Starboard deck-view

Deck front-view
Still to be added to the boat itself are the rear rudder, bow latern fixture, and a bit of decking.


Next week I'll complete the boat and get started on Charon and his undead passenger, stay tuned!

This week I'm also pleased to announce February's featured "Mad Hobbyist."  This prize started out as a random giveaway, but since then I've had a change of heart and decided to give it to a deserving member of the hobby community, online or off.  The Monster Lab is committed to the hobby community and hobby excellence and as such I'd like to use its monthly prize to recognize those who are upholding standards to both.

Therefore, I'm pleased to announce this month's featured hobbyist, LuckyNo.5!  Lucky runs an outstanding blog called the Eye of Error where he features his jaw dropping work.

His projects have included some incredible Dark Eldar Razorwing jet fighters (complete with a detailed full-length airbrush tutorial) and a host of Dark Eldar Scourges.  In fact, his Scourges even landed him a coveted place on Games Workshop's daily blog.  

A lot of praise has been going around for LuckyNo.5, as he's been featured on both the Santa Cruz Honor Roll and the Tales from the Network.  All of these honors are truly deserved for Lucky is a hobbyist that is not only extremely gifted, but also puts a huge amount of time and effort into his projects.

I'd like to congratulate LuckyNo.5 for all the great work he's done and welcome him into the Lab's roll of honor, which already includes last month's featured hobbyist, Mordian7th.  In addition, Lucky received a special limited edition Lab t-shirt!  Thanks for all the great work you're doing, and keep up the good hobby.

Here's the man himself sporting his new tee.

If you would like to be featured as one of the Midwest Monster Lab's "Mad Hobbyists," keep up the quality hobby work and be sure to post pictures to your blog.  Remember, the easiest way to be noticed is to join the Lab's membership as I regularly check on the blogs and sites of those who follow.  Also, if you are in or near Olathe, Kansas, stop by 31st Century Games & Hobbies and I'd love to look at your work in person!


  1. Thanks again for the shout out and the kind words :)

    I'm really digging the boatman idea. I like what you did with the boat so far. I recently was looking for plastic in scale rowboats myself for a 40k diorama and found this site with awesome accessories.

  2. Very nice, I'm curious how the rowboat will fit into your diorama. The first thing that comes to mind is "space marines crossing the Delaware." ha ha

  3. Superbly written article, if only all bloggers offered the same content as you, the internet would be a far better place.. luxury coach with driver paris
