
Monday, April 21, 2014

Announcing: Battle Ready Painted Productions and April's New Releases

I've got a lot of great news to share with you this month!  First off, I'm offering reduced rates on bulk painting commissions (as low as $4/model for army scale projects and discounts scaling to the number of models needing paint).  Table Top and Showcase painting schemes have all been discounted to give you tons of added value for your hobby dollar, check out the new low rates!

I'm also pleased to offer a new service here at the Lab, that I'm dubbing "Battle Ready" productions.  These are miniatures painted and ready for play, a great option for those who want to pick up a great looking squad or single model and add it to their force today.  

I've added five Battle Ready productions in the webstore, be sure to head over and check them out!

I've also got April's new releases to share with you.  They're posted in the webstore and ready for purchase!

This is a 5 pack of Loot Markers, now in a 25mm straight lip style.  For $5 you get three money bags, a map & dagger & compass, and a treasure chest.  These markers/tokens are great for use in Mordheim, other skirmish games, and board games!

This month I'm also proud to have my first line of Warhammer 40k bases.  These Relic Bases feature desert/cracked earth terrain, arcane crystals, and ancient hieroglyphic architecture.  Check out these 60mm "dreadnought" sized bases!  They come in a 2-pack for $9.

I have a complete line of Relic Bases, also in 25mm a 10-pack goes for $10.

For your larger models there's also a 40mm 5-pack for $8!  I'm really looking forward to doing for termis on these bases.

Thanks for stopping by and checking out this month's new releases!  I'm looking forward to sharing more Battle Ready productions with you soon!


  1. Holy cow, we have SPAM BOTS! Must mean you are doing something right!

    Posted up on DakkaDakka! Eldar look great!

    1. Ha ha, yeah I don't need whatever that was. Thanks Aaron, you've gotta take the good with the bad..
