
Sunday, March 24, 2013

What's on My Desk: Big Bang & Twilight Journals

For all of those who have been following KantCon 2013 on Kickstarter, I'm excited to say that it's a go, and that they met their primary goal!  If you're considering contributing, there's still 28 hours left, so you still have an opportunity to contribute to their stretch goals (cool stuff like cook books, dice, mugs, and other gamer gear) and grab some of the perks they're offering.  The success of their Kickstarter is awesome for local hobby and gaming in the Kansas City area, and is really exciting for me.  First, because the model I sculpted for the convention is going into production and second, the Midwest Monster Lab is also going to have booth space at the convention (right next to the Sentinels of the Multiverse guys, which is ridiculously cool) where I'll be showing off some of the models I've posted on the blog over the past year.  I'll also be taking painting, conversion, and modeling commissions at the convention, so if you'd like to drop by and talk about bringing a hobby dream to life, I'd be excited to meet you!  I'm also going to be joined by Jessie Alexander from Sweet Olive Books as we debut our joint venture we're calling "Sweet Monster" painted journals.  

We've got a ton of designs planned for the convention, from popular TV shows like The Big Bang Theory to movies like The Hunger Games and themes like fantasy and classic video game characters there's bound to be something for every gamer girl and nerdy chick.  This week I'm showing off the first three I've finished: one for The Big Theory tv show and two for the Twilight saga.

Let's take a look!

This is one of our Big Bang designs, the show's iconic symbol on a star-field.  It's a fun and simple design that I think is really cool.  Depending on personal color preference, the center neutron, electrons and their orbits can all be customized to colors the buyer desires. 

This is one of my favorites, the cover to the New Moon book, subtle and elegant.  

For those who want to proclaim their love for Edward, Bella, and the whole vampire crew, there's this design.

Jessie and I hand picked the paper for each journal to match its theme, but attendees to the convention will also have the option of building their own journal from our paper palette and any of their favorite fantasy/gamer/sci-fi themes.  

Thanks for stopping by and checking out what's on my desk, if you're at KantCon 2013 be sure to stop by the Monster Lab/Sweet Olive booth!  See you there!


  1. Big Bang is hilarious and the current program on the tube most nights! Those look really good.

  2. Thanks Aaron! Ha ha, yeah. Harley and I have watched seasons 1-5 two times through and we just restarted on season 1... we're basically unstoppable at the trivia game.
