
Sunday, March 3, 2013

Showcase: Questing Knight of Vidnuar & Grular Bludgeoneer

This week my desk is covered with projects that can't be debuted here until their public release.  I do, however, have some pics of two models I've been itching to show off on the blog.  These are two guys I painted late last year and are being released this month!  I gave you guys a sneak peek at them in that October post (admittedly it was a tiny viewing), but here they are in all their painted glory!

This is the Questing Knight of Vidnuar (lion/leadership aspect) for the Haradel freeband.  He hails from Harcourt County whose colors are light blue and gold.  For this paint I wanted to try my hand at a non-metallic metal on his armor.  It was a good learning experience and I feel I'm starting to get a better grasp at it.

The QKoV's pose is great.  You don't often imagine knights like him stalking around the battlefield, but for him it works, it invokes the imagery of a lion hunting in the tall grass.

The QKoV model has a ton of great details and excellent lines.  It was a true joy to paint.

This is the new alternate sculpt for the Grular Bludgeoneer.  I'm a huge fan of this model.  The bludgeoneer has an awesome sense of motion and his expression is fantastic, you get the feel he's in the heat of the battle and about to lay the smack down!

These models were painted for my good friend and long-time customer Jon C, who helps head things up over at DGS.  I started my career with them by painting Jon's personal models, but now they've officially signed me on as DGS's studio painter!  From here on out I'll be painting the Freeblades masters as they're produced and those models will be used in their publications, packaging, and rule books!  This is a great opportunity and a true honor for me.  I'd like to thank Richard L., Jon, and all the other guys over at DGS for bringing me aboard and allowing me to be a part of such an awesome company.

I'm looking forward to showing off more new Freeblades models as they're released.

Come back next time to see what's being brought to life here at the Monster Lab!

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