
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

KantCon 2013 Announced!


I'm proud to announce KantCon 2013 and the launch of the KantCon 2013 kickstarter!  KantCon (because it's the con you can make when you can't make any other cons) is a game/hobby/fantasy/sci-fi convention started up by a group of local hobbyists in the KC metro area.  I'm a huge fan of local hobby (in Kansas you usually have to drive 6-8 hours to attend any notable event) and am really excited to go to KantCon this year.  Situated the first weekend of July, the Con leaves plenty of time to recoup after Adepticon, still have time to attend GW's Gamesday, and then gear up for Gen Con!

As for the Con itself, the ad above says it all.  This year the convention is moving into a larger venue across town at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Overland Park, KS in order to facilitate the fantastic growth they've had the last couple of years.  Hence the kickstarter.  Their up-front venue costs have doubled and they need our help.  Even if you're not going to be in the area the cause is a great one, and for those donating, the more you give the more perks/loot you'll receive.  This year the KantCon guys are planning some really awesome stuff, ranging from: grab bags, to guest appearances, gaming areas, vendor booths, and an actual tardis!  In keeping with the tradition they set last year, they're also creating an original convention fig.  The theme for their mini is another member of KantCon questing party.  Last year's model was the fearsome Gabbergluck, and this year's is going to be..

Unfortunately, I can't actually can't tell you that just yet.. the big reveal will have to wait until closer to the convention date.  I am, however, proud to say that I was lucky enough to land the job of sculpting this year's mini!  Some keen readers may have noticed me referencing this job (as it has been on my desk since late last year) in previous sculpting project posts.  I'm really excited to share the WIP's when the time comes and break down how the whole project went.  This is the first sculpting that had me dipping into another class of model and took me outside of my comfort zone.

Stop by the KantCon kickstarter, drop them a couple of bucks, and come out for a great time this July!

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