
Hobby Services

Monster Lab Miniatures Commissioned Services

The Monster Lab offers a full range of custom paint, conversion, and original sculpt services!  Whether you are painting an entire army or simply want a few centerpieces for your force, you name your price, and we'll find a paint that fits you!

To place an order for a commissioned piece, email with your name, models to be painted/modeled, and what level of detail you desire (if commissioning a paint) and we'll take it from there!

We offer two levels of painting detail:

 $10-$60/infantry model, $30-$100/large model: an exceptional paint with unlimited base colors, unlimited accent colors, intricate basing, and the following painting procedure: prime, base, wash, base, 3x highlight, and fine detail work.

Showcase quality is recommended for all skirmish level game models, single models for role-play, and heroes within your armies.  This quality paint job will ensure your best and brightest shine and draw oohs and ahhs!

Crabby the Soulgrinder - Showcase Edition

Joss - Showcase Edition

Joss - Showcase Edition

Kairos Fateweaver - Showcase Edition

$100+/model: an incredible paint with unlimited base colors, unlimited accent colors, intricate basing, lighting effects (where applicable), shadowing, and the following painting procedure:  prime, base, wash, base, full blending, shading, maximum highlights, and super fine detail work (veins, fabric threading, etc.).

Masterpiece paints are for those who want to turn heads when they pull out their models.  Your adversaries will weep in joyous despair before the majesty of your minis.  These paints are top-tier and could be entered into a painting competition, though we kindly ask that you don't.

High Elf Warrior - Masterpiece Edition

Dark Eldar Groteque v. Tau Fire Warriors Diorama

Pathfinder Legionnaire

Dark Eldar Grotesque

Want your hobby dream brought to life?  

Commission us to make your model from scratch or as an existing model conversion!  Please contact us at for a quote.

Fimir Demon Prince: Conversion on Existing Model

Extreme Ghetorix: Conversion on existing model

Help! the Gnome: Original Sculpt

Dragon Chariot Base: Original Sculpt

Charon, Boatman of River Styx: Original plasticard model & sculpt with manufacturer's accessories

Contact us at for all your painting and modeling needs!

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