
Saturday, March 29, 2014

A KantCon 2014 Showcase: Massive Defender!

I just finished up an original sculpt project for the fine folks over at KantCon for their convention this year.  The Character's name is Massive Defender, a personality concocted by their organizer/founder Ethan P. and the talented illustrator Jay C.  I did their convention mini, Help! the Gnome, last year and was excited to do another one and be a part of a great local hobby gathering.

Let's take a look at the completed sculpt!

Massive is described as a Canadian gamer who lucked into super powers, granting him bulging muscles and a desire to do good in the world.  Check out the great illustration below, courtesy of Jay Carter III.

Those attending the Con will be able to purchase their very own Massive mini for $3-4.  They'll also be available at a later date through the official KantCon site.

KantCon was a blast last year, and this year promises to be even better.  I'll be hosting a booth at the Con, where I'll be doing small painting/modelling clinics and displaying my wares.  There's also plans to get a TON of table top gaming going, from: Warhammer to Warmachine, Malifaux to Infinity, there's going to be TT gaming for everyone.

Thanks for stopping by and checking out my work, I hope to see you again next time, and maybe even at KantCon in July!

Monday, March 17, 2014

A Malifaux Showcase: the M&SU

This week I'm excited to finally have my third complete Malifaux starter painted and ready for the table top!  This is the M&SU, led by Ramos, a mad scientist with a knack for all things robotic.  His starter has a wonderfully diverse array of models included within it, allowing a hobbyist plenty of room to use a number of color palettes.  Let's take a look at the models up close!

Here's Ramos himself, clad in the khakis and browns of a tenured professor.

I based all of the M&SU models on Scrap Bases, 40mm Wreck Bases, and 50mm Wreck Bases, which are awesome for basing, and can also act as markers when they don't have a model placed on them!

Here's a perfect example of just that; the Steam Arachnids are based on Scrap Bases and the bases seen pictured by themselves are Scrap Markers.  You could even paint the Arachnids and the bases without gluing the two together and when an Arachnid dies you simply remove it from the base and then it's a scrap marker!

I showed you Joss a few weeks back, but he's just too cool, so here he is again!

The Brass Arachnid is Ramos's totem and acts like a support unit, reactivating allies to give them two full activations in one turn.

With Ramos's help Howard Langston survived his brush with death... well sort of.  Ramos was kind enough to turn him into a cyborg and equip him with a nasty array of shears and pincers... nevermind the part about being a mindless automaton.

I wanted Howard to be closer to the undead end of the cyborg spectrum, looking as if he was truly holding on to life thanks to his mechanical enhancements.  A few glowing relays across his skin and a baleful eye did the trick nicely.

That's it for this week, be sure to stop by the Monster Lab Web Store to check out the bases I featured here today, and the rest of our complete line!  There's more new releases coming soon and I'm excited to feature them here.  If you like what you've seen here and have any question about the game of Malifaux or would like to commission a painted crew, feel free to message me at!  

Until I see you again next time, good hobbying!

Thursday, March 13, 2014

March New Releases: Wreck Bases & Markers!

The March new releases are finally here!  This month I've got two 50mm wreck bases for $6 and three 40mm round lip wreck bases for $5.25 in the webstore that multipurpose nicely as wreck markers.  Let's take a look at the painted product!

I really wanted to do a big badass weapon piece on one of the bases and a warhammer was just too good to pass up.  Some unlucky war construct lost their weapon... and their arm, but now you can use it as an awesome scenic base, wreck marker, or characterful objective in your next game!

The second base is a mechanical spine with associated ribs, gears, and power core.  Mechanical carrion, if you will.

The gears that whirred and rotated inside this construct's shell now lay piled about its corpse.

I painted its cracked power core, glowing with the last remnants of power, but I can see it completely powered down and dark.

There's even a bit of its torso clinging to the ribs...

This mighty warhammer would do some serious harm on the battlefield, all the more reason for your troops to try to claim it before your enemy's do!

The arm-guard plating definitely shows the abuse the owner was facing while in battle.  I wonder what happened to the rest of him...

And here are the 40mm wreck bases...

One isn't really a wreck at all, but a lack thereof, it's a mere crater!

Whatever construct was occupying this part of the universe is now survived only by a hunk of a cog and a few scraps of metal.

There's more left of this guy, though he lost his head and most of his appendages.

This base has a good assortment of bitz on it: plating, cogs, pipes and bars, and even an energy core.

There's a ton of creative room on this piece.  I liked the metal plating to be gashed to all hell and back.

Mixing brasses, coppers, and steel metallics give a nice variety on a wreck base.

And what would life be like without an Easter Egg?  I think we finally found who lost their arm...

That's it for this week and this month's new releases.  Stay tuned for April's new releases I'm planning some goodies for 40k!

Monday, March 3, 2014

A Shot of Joss with Your Morning Coffee

There's one tough cookie in the Malifaux universe, and his name is Joss.  With armor two, henchmen status, and 'hard to kill', he's exactly that.  Many an opponent has been witness to his aggravating health kiting, courtesy of Ramos and his Combat Mechanic upgrade.  Swing after swing against him has most of its power mitigated, and when finally his health drops low enough for a killing blow, he instead remains at a single wound and reactivates.  All the while Joss chops enemies into scrap markers, giving Ramos fuel to heal him yet again.  RRRarrgggg!!! 

I'm proud to present you this morning with the face of aggravation...

Ok, ok.  Joss can be a nuisance, but you have to admit, he looks really badass!  A member of my Malifaux playgroup, Jeff K., has remarked that he resembles someone straight out of the Borderlands universe.  I'd have to agree.

Joss takes a lot of abuse and keeps on trucking.  To represent that I put pink scars on his head, face, shoulders, chest, and back.  You can even see where scars aren't allowing his hair to grow back!

Ramos has hooked up a massive pneumatic fist for his right-hand man, but it looks like his body isn't liking the metal intrusion of cold steel, especially around the brass pipe fittings.

I based Joss on a scrap base that I'm producing in collaboration with the casting house Prairie House Miniatures.

Lightning crackles around Joss's arc axe and helps him easily cut through armor and a plethora of defensive special rules his adversaries might employ.

Getting choke slammed by his pneumatic fist will leave an opponent paralyzed for an activation, in addition to doing 5/8/10 damage!

That's it for this week, thanks for checking out my latest project.  Until next time, good hobbying!